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Pressing moves

We movers and shakers had an inspirational experience this week, especially when compared to some of our recent transporting travails. The Peaceful Freemason, Two Skies and I, helped Brittany Sanders transport a 700 lb. printing press over to her new production studio and then we attempted to manhandle an even bigger and more ancient behemoth.



Brittany is a real salt of the earth young woman, strikingly gorgeous both inside and out, and she is fun! She is a nationally recognized book artist and designer, and operates a unique business, creating “custom design letterpress stationary, unique wedding invitations, birth announcements and other celebrations, all hand printed on a Vandercook letterpress.” Moreover, she is involved with the film industry; most recently assisting with a great war veteran documentary called “Fighting for life.” And before that, Return with Honor; a captivating documentary recently featured in K-Town, where one of the Prisoners of War in the film, engaged the audience in a reflective question and answer session, immediately following the show!

I would like to find nice things to say about Brittany all day, but back to the Press move for now:

After we lugs, wrassled the turn of the century Kluge press outside, we soon discovered it was too cumbersome for our truck’s lift gate, so we decided to go with plan B, by utilizing a forklift.

Mr. Freemason had an ‘in’ with one of the managers, over at Luster Rentals. So, the next Saturday, we took advantage of this and gingerly drove the discounted forklift over where the 1,700 lb. press was stowed.

Lucky thing we didn't end up like this!

The old Kluge Press reminded me of relics related to the WR Journal’s antecedents. I find it interesting that the Hailey Times was first printed in 1881, which was several years before electricity came to light our valley.

I suppose that no matter how hard I might try to resist, I’ll always find newspaper ink running rich through my hardscrabble veins. It seems that every time that I see an important story crop up about newspapers going out of business, I become passionately compelled to comment.

I suppose that I am influenced by the power of being able to influence positive change, but I cannot seem to shake this magnetic attraction to anything or anybody related to newspapers or presses.


The pallet began crumpling as; Master Freemason skillfully forked the press into the truck. With the weather cooperating, we pulled over to the new shop and in a matter of minutes - the job was complete! Earlier, I felt like a jerk, when calling Brittany, I announced -at the last second that we were operating at the sonar level –under the radar, so to speak.

Gently click on cloud

Nonetheless, we succeeded, and the cumbersome weight quickly lifted from our shoulders. Someday soon, I hope to handcraft my own book and perhaps through professional consultation with Brittany, I may gain a few insights regarding smart strategies for implementing this big dream.


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